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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 7, 2012 12:00am-1:05am EST

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good night. up next on "jimmy kimmel live" -- kelly ripa. >> i feel like you should do the show here always. >> i would like to. >> i feel like -- >> it's pretty awesome. >> a special appearance by chris rock. jimmy's youtube challenge. >> we had lots of candy! >> well done. >> and music from alicia keys. ♪ this girl is on fire
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>> dicky: from brooklyn, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- kelly ripa. music from alicia keys. and a special appearance by chris rock. with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" >> dicky: and now, how you doin'? here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thank you. that's very nice. hola. hello there. thank you. i'm flattered that you're here. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you. honestly, if i knew how to curtesy, i would. thank you for making the long journey from short distances to be here tonight. this is our fourth and final night in brooklyn, but don't worry, we'll be back for the next hurricane. [ laughter ] apparently there's a storm on the way that they say a nor'easter is headed this way and could hit in the middle of next week. that's nuts. we're taking you all back to l.a. with us. enough already. [ cheers and applause ] come with us. open a small batch salt water taffy shop in hollywood. we'll eat it. two storms in two weeks is too
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much. how much weather can sam champion's hair take? [ laughter ] i feel like this is god's way of punishing us for watching honey boo boo. [ laughter ] you know, for once it would be nice to have a storm that fixes things instead of destroying things. my rv was completely upside down until hurricane ralph blew it right side up. on the bright side, it seems like people are really getting their money's worth of those 99 cent ponchos i see everywhere. speaking of ponchos, say hello to my little pal guillermo, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] there he is. i think he's gotten used to making an entrance. hey, gave guillermo. >> how are you, jimmy? >> jimmy: you've had fun this week, right? >> yeah, a lot of fun. >> jimmy: are you sad to be leaving? >> yeah, i'm going to miss brooklyn. >> jimmy: me, too. i tell you, if i didn't have so much family living here, i'd never leave. it's true.
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[ laughter ] mayor bloomberg lifted his three or more people per car rule tonight for those traveling over the east river bridges. no one was allowed to cross the bridges between 6:00 a.m. until midnight unless they were in a car pool because the tunnels are flooded. it's known as car pool tunnel syndrome. [ laughter ] but they may bring the rule back on monday. that's a pain. i tell you what, if you're looking to make a few bucks, on monday, just hang out at the foot of the bridge with a sign that says number three and go back and forth. authorities still don't know how many homes have been damaged or destroyed but from the people that i talked to that live in queens and staten island, it's a lot. a local cbs news reporter had some trouble in his neighborhood, but luckily for him, it turned out okay. >> your house narrowly missed by a tree? your okay? >> well, actually my tree fell on his house. different story. >> oh, boy. >> interesting thing, though, because the responsibility for the damage is with the receiver. it doesn't matter who owns the tree. if it falls on your house, it's the guy that owns the house who
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pays for it. i found that out. gladly. >> jimmy: well, that is interesting. how fortunate for you. [ applause ] as soon as i get back home, i'm mailing his neighbor a chain saw. obviously most local officials are doing whatever they can to help those affected by hurricane sandy, but one of them is going so far above and beyond that it's almost nuts. newark mayor cory booker has been inviting people to his house. he tweeted this yesterday to a newark resident who asked him for help. he said, there's someone at my house now, eric, i've got space you can relax in, charge devices and even a working dvd player. come by, @myserenelove. this either makes him the coolest or creepiest mayor ever. i'm not sure. he's either extremely generous or one of his friends is playing an awesome practical joke on him right now. around a dozen strangers showed up at his house yesterday. they watched movies, they
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ordered food. some of them slept over. i think he had more than 30 people over at his house tonight. we're actually thinking about having our after party at the mayor's house in newark. good for him. [ applause ] and you know, if you've always wanted to ransack a mayor's medicine cabinet, now is your chance. as you know, the presidential election is on tuesday. according to polls, obama and romney are still neck and neck. both campaigns made their final push today. romney has a very strong lead among white voters but some prominent obama supporters are looking to chip into that and our friend chris rock is one of them. chris rock is from here in brooklyn and tonight, he's recorded a special message for us, targeted specifically at undecided voters of the caucasian variety. so, listen and decide for yourself. >> hi, i'm chris rock with a special message for white people. in times like these, you need a white president you can trust. and that white president's name is barack obama.
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let's take a look at the facts. for the first two-thirds of his life, barack obama was known as barry. which is the third whitest name on earth. right after cody and jeff. and these are the white people who raised barry. madeline and stanley dunham. they are so white they have to wear sunglasses because they are hurting each other's eyes. after college, barry went into black neighborhoods in chicago to try to organize people. how white is that? black people don't go into black communities. we don't have to. we're already there. look at him. playing golf. body surfing. wearing mom jeans. dancing with ellen. barack obama supports gay marriage. most black men don't even support straight marriage. president obama has a dog. but is it a pit bull? is it a rottweiler? no. it's a portuguese water dog. and he named him bo.
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after one of the dukes of hazzard. let's not forget, barack obama is whiter than snooki, the tanning mom and tara reid. even mitt romney is blacker than obama. this is obama's family. and these are the romneys. look at that. kids, cousins. aunts, uncles. mitt romney's family has more people in it than a tyler perry movie. and if you're still not convinced, check this out. >> i, barack hussein obama, do solemnly swear, i am a whi so help me god. >> if you want a white president, i've got a polo-wearing, hawaii-living, home beer brewing, league bowling guy for you. barry obama. he's just white. paid for by chris rock the vote. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he makes a good point. back to the hurricane.
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you know, most of the national focus has been on new jersey and new york, but it affected a lot of cities along the east coast. this clip comes to us from providence, rhode island. three counties in rhode island are asking for federal disaster relief. they got hit pretty hard, but not hard enough to blow out the birthday candles at the local nbc affiliate there. they have a regular segment on the news called first birthdays where proud parents sent their newborns' names in to be read on the air. watch this. keep in mind. this happened on monday, during the hurricane. >> we can't forget first birthdays. let's pass some greetings along. happy first birthday, dawn keibals. >> jimmy: let's look at the names, if we could. i jaz fahted. egyptian name. and the other is dawn keibals. [ applause ] dawn keibals.
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i know her the whole keibals family. whoever pulled that one, congratulations, that was -- well done. here in brooklyn, things are still a mess, but they aren't as bad as in other places. part of that is luck but another part, i think, is the people here. brooklyn people seem to have the unique ability to withstand this thing. they are running a special on cable, i watched it in my hotel last night, and it really does explain a lot. >> hurricane sandy, a devastating event leaving destruction in its wake. but one species of new yorker has proven remarkably well adapted to such circumstances. the brooklyn hipster. where ordinary citizens struggle with gas shortages, traffic grid lock and absence of public transportation, hipsters vintage bikes and skateboards allow them to move about freely. with food in short supply, hipsters rely on their skills in salami curing and artisanal pickling.
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their vintage denim is extremely durable. and if new clothes are needed, they can knit. when heat fails, hipsters ample facial hair provides warmth and in extreme cold, they can deploy their hoodies to remain cozy. if electricity is not available, hipsters have the ability to go acoustic at will. and the lack of fresh water for washing and bathing definitely not a problem. the brooklyn hipster. one of nature's miraculous adaptations to the modern world. [ applause ] >> jimmy: survival of the hippest. so -- hey, by the way, the -- the new york marathon is now not happening on sunday. mayor bloomberg -- [ cheers and applause ] cancelled it because of this. a lot of people were criticizing him because they believe the resources would be better spent elsewhere. i think postponing it was the right thing to do. in fact, i don't even know why
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they bother running the marathon. we know what's going to happen. why not just find a random kenyan, put a medal around his neck and save everyone the trouble? i believe that if god wanted us to run marathons, we would have been born with band-aids on our nipples. we have something fun for you tonight. on halloween night, i issued a youtube challenge. this is where i ask viewers to videotape themselves pulling a prank on their loved ones. and post it to youtube. well, last halloween, we got a great response when we asked parents to pretend they ate their children's halloween candy. that video has almost 34 million views now. so, we decided to do it again this year. over the past two days, parents have been uploading video titled "hey jimmy kimmel, i told my kid i ate all their halloween candy again." we got a lot of responses. we got a lot of responses. and we whittled them down and now, once again, i say in advance, sorry, kids. >> i have to tell you something. last night when you were in bed -- >> yeah. >> daddy and i ate all your candy. >> what?
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did you eat the suckers? >> yes. >> mom! >> okay, i have another confession to make. >> no -- you're going to make me cry again! no! >> i ate all of your candy. >> why? what are you doing? >> nothing. >> are you recording me? >> no. >> we ate all your halloween candy. >> what do we do? >> you forgive me? >> yeah. >> well, thank you, babies. i love you.
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>> it was you, too? >> i kind of ate all your halloween candy. >> you said i could have it later! ahh! >> honey, i'll take you to the store, you can pick out whatever candy you want. sam. sam. sam. >> mommy ate all your candy. >> oh! >> mommy was -- >> jimmy kimmel told me to do it. >> who's jimmy crimmel? >> i hate you jimmy kindle! >> it's kimball. >> hey, hanna?
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can you say hi to larry kimmel? say hi, larry kimmel. >> no! >> don't you want to share? >> no, you ate all my candy, though! >> hey, buddy, guess what? i'm just kidding. i didn't actually eat your candy. >> oh! every day this happens. >> there's always next halloween. >> no, i wanted to eat some candy today! >> that's not fair! we didn't get to eat any candy. >> where's my bag of candy that was up there? >> we're just kidding. >> mommy ate all of your candy last night. >> i don't want you to eat anymore of my candy. >> but it's gone!
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>> i'm so sorry, guys. i'm so sorry. can't we just -- can't we just go get new ones? >> no, we can't. we worked so hard for that candy. >> i never want to go out trick or treating again. >> i'm sorry, sierra, for eating all your candy. >> that's okay. >> all right. i love you. >> i love you, too. >> i ate it. >> that's all right. i just want you to feel happy. >> are you mad at me? >> no. >> you're not? >> no. i'm just sad. >> you're just sad. >> but the next halloween, we can share my candy. >> love you. >> i love you.
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>> jimmy: see? [ applause ] sometimes it's sweet. and one more thing. another week has come to a close. it is a big week here in brooklyn and so it's time for our weekly tribute to the fcc where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. it is "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> we're in close contact with each of the counties to be responsive for their needs of food, water and [ bleep ]. >> a lot more than a paycheck. it's about your [ bleep ]. >> first of all, how long do we think that it is going to take to pump this [ bleep ] dry? >> candy apples and gum! but no, i had to listen to you. you [ bleep ] head. >> huge massive walls of waves already worse than irene, so, [ bleep ] irene. >> i want you to do that [ bleep ] at least one person that voted for barack obama.
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>> even [ bleep ] a pumpkin can be an experience. >> the academy award winner who [ bleep ] a homeless man. >> dr. oz was on the show and he measured my [ bleep ] and measured our security guard guillermo's [ bleep ], and i felt fine, good about myself, because i was about ten inches smaller than guillermo. >> jimmy: you win again. we have a good show for you tonight. alicia keys is here. and we'll be right back with kelly ripa, so stick around. introducing grey goose cherry noir ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ time for citi price rewind. because your daughter really wants that pink castle thing. and you really don't want to pay more than you have to. only citi price rewind automatically searches for the lowest price. and if it finds one, you get refunded the difference. just use your citi card and register your purchase online. have a super sparkly day! ok. [ male announcer ] now all you need is a magic carriage. citi price rewind. start saving at citi price rewind. well, it's that time of year again. you know, picture-taking season. and with photo stream, you can share all the photos you want,
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with just the people you want. it's as easy as pie. mmmm .. pie. liq... double impact?! ... ... sfx: doorbell i'm here to snake the drain. i'm here to flush the pipe. vo: liquid plumr double impact has twice the drain clearing power with a plumber's snake to grab deep clogs and a powerful gel to finish off the rest, baby. liquid plumr double impact.
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this season, give craftsman tools from sears. like the new bolt on system with 9 performance, interchangeable heads... ... and make more, for less. craftsman. guys' favorites guaranteed. find it at sears. double barrel whisky sirloins, and brew pub pretzels, crafted with a touch of whisky, wine, and beer by highly skilled chefs. ♪ it's tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme... ♪ oh, look at that. well, that's not really the kind of skill i had in mind. okay, so, cooking down the alcohol
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releases deep, rich flavor and, apparently, your inhibitions. ♪ are you really gonna do this every time? it's applebee's new spirited cuisine menu with entrees starting at $9.99. see you tomorrow and late night for half-priced apps. >> jimmy: well, hi there and welcome back. it is our last night in brooklyn from the historic harvey theater at the brooklyn academy of music. tonight on the program, a new york native and 14-time grammy award winner. her new cd is called "girl on fire." it comes out november 27th. alicia keys is here. [ cheers and applause ] on monday, we will be back to work in los angeles. with new shows featuring robert pattinson, daniel craig, hayden panettiere, dave salmoni is
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bringing animals, though i have repeatedly asked him not to. we'll have music from tyler bryant and the shakedown, boys like girls and ben folds five, so join us for those shows next week when we go home. we don't want to go, we have to. and also, please don't forget, especially if you are watching around the country, there are thousands of people still suffering from the effects of the hurricane. we're going to auction off this desk to benefit the red cross. this desk has been signed by david letterman, jon stewart, stephen colbert and i signed it, too. so, you get four late night talk show hosts on one late night talk show desk. to bid on it, go to and you can host your own show from home. and if you don't want the desk and you'd like to help anyway there's an easy way to do it. go to to donate. or you can text "redcross" to 90999 to make a $10 donation. all right. our first guest tonight is a warm and cheerful ray of sunshine on a storm-battered brooklyn week. she is co-host of the show "live with kelly & michael." please welcome kelly ripa.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> oh, my gosh. first of all, look at your brooklyn audience! they are incredible. [ cheers and applause ] second of all, where did you get that footage of when guillermo and i first met and made our baby? >> jimmy: how did you get so tan in this hurricane, by the way? >> it's all bronzer. it could be dirt, too, because i've been without water. >> jimmy: you have? you've been without water? >> we just found out and for those of you still suffering, i apologize, i feel guilty, we found out our building has power
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again, so -- >> jimmy: today? >> just on the way in here, into this building, so, we're happy about that. >> jimmy: in a way, i healed your building. >> you did. you fixed. also, in a way, you brought the hurricane. >> jimmy: yeah, i did bring the hurricane, you're right. >> but i feel like you should do the show here always. >> jimmy: i would like to. >> i really do. >> jimmy: it been a lot of fun. [ cheers and applause ] it has been fun. i have to be honest, i feel like, i get people are enthusiastic this week, but by, like, i don't know, december, it would be like l.a. where no one cares. >> i disagree. i have to tell you, i think you're a superstar and i feel like i've been with you from the get-go. >> jimmy: you have. >> from the beginning. >> jimmy: in a lot of ways, you're like my daughter. >> no, i feel like your mother. but i feel like you really are just a superstar. you've really established yourself as something special. >> jimmy: you've always been very kind and i love coming on your show. i was on the show monday morning. >> thank you for not canceling. >> jimmy: of course i wouldn't. as long as i was able to get over that bridge. i would have swam there. >> you were so nice. it was one of those things where
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it started raining, they called me and i said, well, certainly we're not going to have a show tomorrow because of this terrible storm that's approaching and they said, well, michael strahan's already on a plane flying in. and i felt terrible, even doubting that, so, i said, all right, so, i got on, you know, i got up from soho, uptown, to the studio, and michael strahan came in and said, i can't believe they made me come here. they told me you were on board with doing the show. >> jimmy: who did this? >> gelman, of course. >> jimmy: he is the devil, i keep telling you that. >> that is gelman. yes, of course. >> jimmy: so, they duped you into doing the show. >> they duped us into doing the show. >> jimmy: you brought the kids to the show with you. because they were out of school? >> well, the kids had off school canceled school that one day. they were so excited until i was like, here, kids, put on these costumes, you're coming to work with mom and they had to do the holiday fashion show. >> jimmy: i noticed that your kids were in costume and seemed
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a little early on monday for them to be in costume. you coerced them into doing that. >> listen. they didn't have a choice. i have no child care for them. i thought they would go to school. they didn't. >> jimmy: what did they dress up as? >> okay, so, they were -- they were general zod and ursa from "superman 2" from 1979. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. they were? >> my friends make fun of me. they're like, do you ever let your kids have any memories from their childhood or just your childhood? >> jimmy: was it your suggestion? >> i was like, you guys should be general zod. >> jimmy: that's great. were they for that or -- >> yeah, joaquin liked the idea of getting to say "kneel before zod." he liked having facial hair. he looked like our baby guillermo. >> jimmy: just like my baby, yeah. now, you tweeted a photograph here. why don't you tell us what this is before i show it. >> oh, okay. so -- so, when we first lost power, we went through the blackout of '03, when everyone lost power and we decided we
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would get these very fancy, very expensive radios, these radios that operate on military batteries -- >> great idea, great. >> jimmy: good idea. >> great idea, great. that way when the power goes down, we will have information, we'll be able to have information. we cranked them up, they didn't work. none of them work. we change -- there's one auxiliary battery, we wind it up, it doesn't work. my daughter says, what about my bratz doll? it has a radio in it. and i'm like, that's ten years old, i never changed the bathry. you bathe in it. it's been submerged in water. we turn that sucker on and i listen to mayor bloomberg broadcast for five hours. that's how we got -- >> jimmy: from the bratz van. >> bratz van, yes. that's a prototype that our toy guy gave to us on a demo segment of the show. she saved the day. >> jimmy: i think the message is, stock up on bratz vans. >> i'm not even kidding.
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that was -- i said, i'm going to write a nice letter to that company. >> jimmy: i don't blame you. the big loss this week for you guys on the show is your halloween show did not air. >> yes. er halloween show did not -- >> jimmy: that's the big thing, you work for months leading up to that. >> gelman goes to the gym, he waxes his entire body. >> jimmy: he does -- >> he does leg lifts just to get his lady tights on and he's ready to go. >> jimmy: he really comes out of his shell. and now you have michael there instead of regis so there's a new world of black things you could dress up as. >> can i tell you, michael strahan, who is this large, gigantic man -- >> jimmy: how tall is he? >> 6'4", 6'5." he's giant. he's massive. he becomes, and i don't mean -- he becomes oprah winfrey, i don't know how he does it. he has the mannerisms down, he sits -- he sits with her complete posture. he became absolutely graceful. >> jimmy: she's going to be delighted. >> you won't believe it.
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>> jimmy: so, this will air now on monday. >> this will air on monday. we're doing a hurricane telethon during our halloween show so that way we're going to raise money for everybody still suffering so much from this terrible storm and provide a little bit of levity, because any time we can get these fellas in dresses, it's great. >> jimmy: so, you are telling me you're going to do a telethon on that telethon, gelman and michael strahan will be dressed as women. >> yes, for a good cause. all for a good cause. >> jimmy: all day, i think, on monday. >> all day long, abc is doing that. >> jimmy: all the way down to our show. >> all the way down to this show. >> jimmy: thank you so much for making the dangerous journey to be here. >> no, are you kidding? >> jimmy: you can stay with ne in the hotel. >> really? >> jimmy: absolutely. >> i brought my son and his -- both of my sons -- >> jimmy: we'll put the kids in another room. >> okay. >> jimmy: kelly ripa, everyone. the show is "live with kelly & michael" airing every day at 9:00.
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we'll be right back with alicia keys. ,,,, the boys use capital one venture miles for their annual football trip. that's double miles you can actually use. tragically, their buddy got sacked by blackouts. but it's our tradition! that's roughing the card holder. but with the capital one venture card you get double miles you can actually use. [ cheering ] any flight, anytime. the scoreboard doesn't lie. what's in your wallet? hut! i have me on my fantasy team.
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you need special ingredients. you need the staples. that's a given. you need safeway sugar for just $1.97. and that magic thing that makes everyone want another -- only $2.99 for land o'lakes butter. and when hands get messy, quite surely they'll say, "yum! wow! yay! what a sweeter holiday." safeway. ingredients for life.
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they'll say, "yum! wow! yay! what a sweeter holiday."
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experts in aroma. they're the world championship cheese judges. [ air horn blowing ] and while they might seem kind of odd to you -- like this guy -- we just love them. and at the 2012 championship, they awarded cracker barrel gold for cheddar for its rich, full flavor. thanks cheese geniuses. cracker barrel. it's cheddar, perfected. >> jimmy: welcome back, we're in brooklyn at the brooklyn academy of music. our next guest is an inordinately talented performer with 14 grammy awards and a new album that is titled "girl on fire." it comes out november 27th. please say hello to alicia keys.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm so glad you could come. you were scheduled to be here on monday. and our show got canceled and you were stuck in the city, right? >> monday was crazy. >> jimmy: it was a crazy day. >> scary. >> jimmy: did you lose power and that sort of thing? >> yeah, we don't have anything. >> jimmy: still don't? >> still don't. >> jimmy: i hear people are staying at kelly ripa's house. if you want to go by there. >> good. i was looking for somewhere to go. >> jimmy: i heard you lost some musical equipment? >> i think it got buried under six feet of water. >> jimmy: wow. so, will you be playing with bongos and spoons tonight? >> i don't have anything. it's going to be acapella. i need hand claps. >> jimmy: you performed in this
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studio before, you did your mtv unplugged special here. >> i did. it was amazing. i love brooklyn, i love bam. and it's really cool to be able to be here. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how old is your son now? >> my son is 2. he just had his 2nd birthday on october 14th. when the lights went out in the house, he was like -- ♪ happy birthday it was so cute. >> jimmy: did he have fun on halloween? >> oh, he -- he did have a good time. it was his first, what i want to call conscious halloween, you know, where he could actually see what's going on. >> jimmy: did he pick out his costume for halloween? because i have a photograph of his costume. and, well, this is his costume. it's -- >> seriously. he was -- i mean, he was incredibly hot. he was super fly. i got to say. >> jimmy: as michael jackson. does he know michael jackson's music?
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did he know what he was doing? >> well, he is only 2, so, before hand i played him all the youtube videos, i'm like, here comes michael jackson. he was like, michael jackson. the whole night, i was like, who are you, egypt? and he was like -- i was like, okay, he's not really getting it. so, the next morning at breakfast, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he goes, michael jackson! he finally figured it out. i tell you what, at the little kiddy party, he was dancing, like, mixture of break dance -- i was like, oh. i think the spirit -- >> jimmy: does he have musical ability? can you tell yet? too early to tell at 2 years old? >> i mean, i don't want to be one of those moms that are like -- but i have to say -- you know, when he's on the piano, the way he's holding his hands. i've seen him sit next to other 2-year-olds, and -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's playing the piano already? >> he loves the piano. >> jimmy: that's great. >> he's really loving it. >> jimmy: that must excite you.
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how old were you when you started? >> i didn't start until 6 of 7. >> jimmy: he's got a huge head start. >> apparently. >> jimmy: that's something. do you find that it's, now that you're a mom, that it's harder to be a rock star at the same time? >> well, you know, at first, i did find that it was kind of a little tough, like the juggle, it is a whole different world. and i think over time i've definitely come to a little bit more of a balance. and working through it with different kind of moms might help me or give me advice. in fact, i found out that it's kind of a problem, a lot of people have it, just like me, so, i actually decided to do a psa about it. >> jimmy: you've been doing something to help other parents? >> i am here to help parents rock. >> jimmy: we have that here. let's take a look. >> all right. are the lights down low? now pull down the sheets. fluff the pillow. and ask her if she has to go potty before bedtime. hi, i'm alicia keys and i'm here at the first annual helping parents to rock telethon,
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working around the clock to help america's parents rediscover their bad ass selves. since the launch of our campaign helping parents to rock have touched the lives of thousands of moms and dads. like sara, from new jersey, who writes, before i called you guys, i was waking up at 6:00 a.m., now, i'm getting to bed at 6:00 a.m. thank you, helping parents to rock. we're saving lives here. what's going on in social media, gas money? >> alicia! >> gas money! >> we got doug here, goes tricked out the family ride. keep rocking, baby. that's hot. boss. cindy showed the importance of coloring inside the lines. you got a little michelangelo on your hands there. and colin took his young one to his first concert. i don't know, man. that [ bleep ] is crazy. that ain't boss. >> we have a situation developing. debbie in new mexico is about to make a big mistake.
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deb, step away from the granny panties. smoking mommas do not buy underwear in bulk. that was a close one. >> i personally use the crying out method. i used it for my children and so should you. all hail the dark lord. >> you can go back to the life you had. you can go back to the life you deserve. thanks for holding, i'm alicia keys. right. okay. i'm going to need you to get a hot tub and fill that [ bleep ] with champagne. >> jimmy: well -- thank you so much on behalf of all of us for doing that. this is the new cd. i can't wait to hear the whole thing. you're going to do one of the songs tonight. >> you're going to love this one. >> jimmy: it's called "girl on fire." it comes out november 27th. we'll be right back with alicia keys.
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[music] "dance of the sugar plum fairies" ♪ ♪
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but that doesn't happen much anymore. the creative process never stops. and songwriting is so hard, but i love it. these days, i guess i just don't want to miss a thing. [ laughs ] i miss you guys. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] new windows phone. reinvented around you. ♪
12:50 am
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>> jimmy: all right. we're in the home stretch and here now with the title track from her forthcoming cd, "girl on fire," alicia keys! ♪ ♪ she's just a girl and she's on fire ♪ ♪ living in a fantasy ♪ she's living in a world and it's on fire ♪ ♪ filled with catastrophe ♪ she knows she can fly away ♪ oh ooh oh ohh ♪ ♪ she got her feet on the ground and she's burning it down ♪ ♪ oh ooh oh ohh she got her head in the clouds ♪
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♪ and she's not backing down ♪ ♪ this girl is on fire this girl is on fire ♪ ♪ she's walking on fire this girl is on fire ♪ ♪ looks like a girl ♪ she's a flame ♪ she can burn your eyes ♪ better look the other way ♪ you can try but you'll never forget her name she's on top of the world ♪ ♪ hottest of the hottest girls ♪ we got our feet on the ground ♪ ♪ and we're burning it down ♪ oh
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ooh oh ohh ♪ ♪ she got her head in the clouds and we're not coming down ♪ ♪ this girl is on fire this girl is on fire she's walking on fire ♪ ♪ this girl is on fire oh oh ♪ ♪ everybody says she's on fire ♪ they can see the flame that's in her eyes ♪ ♪ nobody knows that she's a lonely girl ♪ ♪ and it's a lonely world ♪ she's gonna let it burn baby ♪ burn baby ♪ this girl is on fire ♪ this girl is on fire
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♪ she's walking on fire ♪ this girl is on fire ♪ whoa whoa whoa ♪ whoa whoa whoa ♪ whoa whoa whoa ♪ whoa whoa whoa ♪ whoa whoa whoa >> yes, you see, we're in brooklyn tonight, put your hands in the air, say -- ♪ whoa whoa whoa ♪ whoa whoa whoa ♪ whoa whoa whoa ♪ whoa whoa whoa i see you on fire out there. hey! ♪ she's just a girl
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and she's on fire ♪ ,, [ male announcer ] connoisseurs of flavor. experts in aroma. they're the world championship cheese judges. [ air horn blowing ] and while they might seem kind of odd to you -- like this guy -- we just love them. and at the 2012 championship, they awarded cracker barrel gold for cheddar for its rich, full flavor. thanks cheese geniuses.
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cracker barrel. it's cheddar, perfected.
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>> jimmy: well, first, i would like to thank alicia keys, that was absolutely beautiful. thanks to your great band, too. a real treat to have you here in brooklyn. her album is fire," comes out november 27th. thanks to kelly ripa, chris rock and i want to apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. unfortunately. i want to thank bam, the mta, the mayor's office, nyc and company, thanks to you. i want to thank or crew, everyone who came out from california. and, especially our local crew here in brooklyn. let's bring them out, if we could, because a lot of these people -- [ applause ] have been sleeping here because there was no power. [ cheers and applause ] and i just want to thank them. for doing this and for helping us because we wouldn't have been able to do it without them. thanks so much, guys. some of these people lost their


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